Friday, July 30, 2010
We were at the clinic until 6:00pm last night but there was still too much medicine in her blood to stop hydration. So home we went with the backpack filled with fresh fluids. Returned again today and thankfully the level was low enough to stop. This is the official end to the first cycle. Just in time for the weekend! Chris and the girls are planning to go to the Cape, while I go to VT to join my HS buds for a collective birthday celebration...
Enjoy the weekend!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
We did not, as we had hoped (and begged!) to do this week's chemo at home. We compromised with 2 nights in the hospital and the rest at home. The Dr. convinced me when he said if it didn't go well at home, we wouldn't be able to do it for awhile (or again!). I didn't really believe him but thought it best since Olivia did get sick last time, to at least start out in the hospital. (She did not get sick from the chemo but was so anxious about it beforehand that she got sick while waiting to get started.)
She did great in the hospital. We went home yesterday afternoon with the portable pump and fluids and all went well last night. We are now in the clinic waiting for results. If she has cleared the chemo, we go home without the pump until Monday. If not, we go home with it and come back tomorrow to check it again. Beats staying in the hospital.
Just to clarify this protocol. One chemo cycle for this is five weeks long. She does two drugs the first week, gets a two-week break, and then a third drug the last two weeks. So the break is in the middle of a cycle, and we are just finishing up the last week of her first cycle. Monday we start the second five-week cycle, and then she has surgery. The extent of that will depend on how well she responds to the chemo. Then she starts right back in with more chemo.
I'll finish this later... writing from the clinic and we are getting called.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Hospital Update
Other good news is now that they know how her body handles this particular drug, we should be able to do future rounds as outpatient. It means we'd still be going into the Jimmy Fund Clinic every day, but that is a small price to pay to be able to sleep at home each night.
As always, visitors help immensely at keeping her spirits up. So thanks Diane, Cami, and Amanda, and of course Morgan, Peter, MIchelle, and Cheryl for coming to see us! Also thanks for all the well wishes and comments. It really makes a difference!
Sunday, July 18, 2010

Monday, July 12, 2010
In the meantime we are taking advantage of the rest of our time by visiting the Kasparyans in Maine for a couple of days. I will work and the girls will enjoy the beach and boating with the kids.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
XOXO <3 Olivia
Monday, July 5, 2010
Olivia did incredibly well with the first part of the treatment. She tires easily, but has had almost no nausea. There are multiple meds to keep ahead of that, and I now feel like a walking pharmacy with all the meds we came home with. Quite an adjustment for someone who would barely even give the girls Tylenol or Motrin.
We will spend today relaxing and going to the beach before heading back home. We have a couple of weeks to rest before we start the next part of the cycle.
Happy 4th!