Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Merry Christmas
We are happy to say that we are moving forward with Olivia's treatment. I never thought I'd say I was happy about her getting chemo, but after the last few weeks, we are glad to get back on track. After today, she's on the 2 week "break" and is looking forward to Christmas, her 13th (yikes!) birthday, and New Year's.
Wishing everyone a great Christmas and happy, healthy 2011.
It's Morgan
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Week of Rest

Never a dull moment at the Jimmy Fund Clinic. Last week we were so focused on getting free from hydration that we forgot to mention the Red Sox players and Wally who were visiting. Olivia got autographs and her picture taken with them, but even after all that the big question of the day was, "Which players were they?"
Santa is visiting every day this week, and the place is decorated like a candy land. There are gifts for everyone, and best of all--free parking!
We did get to see Santa on Monday but Olivia's blood counts were too low for her to receive chemo. Now we wait until next Monday. Although we hate to have delays, we've decided this is a good thing. She'll rest up and get that much stronger after healing from the rash and before starting the final two cycles.
Friday, December 10, 2010
After a very long, delayed "clearing" last week of one of the chemo meds, we were hoping that we'd get back on track in this week's repeat round. (Olivia comes home attached to 24 hour fluids until the medicine is cleared out of her system. Last week it took 7 days due to the IV antibiotic, rash, etc. When you don't clear to a certain level within 72 hours, you have to get to a lower level the following day, and so on, until finally it needs to be completely undetectable.)
72 hours was yesterday. She did not quite make it. We were somewhat doubtful that today she would clear, even though she was within tenths of the goal. Once it gets down to the low levels, it tends to linger.
But she made it! A full night's sleep ahead and a weekend of rest. Next week she starts another cycle followed by a two-week break. Have to be extra careful about fevers (which buys you an automatic admittance to the hospital) but we are looking forward to being home for the holiday.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
She is doing well now that she is off the medicine but not without a lot of unnecessary suffering. If they had had a plan in place when they said they were going to, the rash would never have gotten this bad. Funny how they could come up with an alternative antibiotic so quickly once there was no way she could stay on the IV!
Now we're just focused on resting up and getting back on track for the remainder of treatment. We begin again Monday. Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Week 12
Olivia is still suffering (itchy!) from the rash, and they still have yet to figure out the longer term plan for antibiotics. Took a step in the right direction yesterday, however, when we FINALLY got to meet with the Infectious Disease doc. She presented a couple of potential alternatives but they are still looking into them. Not overly impressed with how this process is going and have expressed our frustration. On Monday they were actually suggesting she might stay on this IV antibiotic (3x per day, 2 hours at a time) throughout the rest of the chemo!
In the meantime we are moving forward with chemo, and Olivia saw Dr. Gebhardt (orthopedic surgeon) yesterday for another follow-up. (She was bit nervous after ending up in the OR after the last follow-up!) Dr. Gebhardt said her graft looked like "it came from her twin," and it looks "perfect." She's ready to start PT, and he was quite surprised and impressed with how much she could already bend her knee and lift her leg.
Next week stitches come out and hopefully we'll get some answers on the meds. Hope everyone has a wonderful thanksgiving.
Friday, November 19, 2010
5 Days and Counting...
Enough venting. We will get through it.
In other news, Olivia did get her brace yesterday and it is a definite improvement on the cast. She is now looking forward to getting the go-ahead to start PT!
Stay tuned...
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Week 13, con't.
We arrived at clinic on Monday for Olivia's routine blood draw. When we arrived, her temperature was just over 100. That, plus 0 ANC, equals hospital. I guess it shouldn't have come as a shock. This was the exact same timing of the last fever. 12 days post chemo when her counts were at their lowest. Next time I'll be more mentally prepared but I refuse to pack a bag in anticipation.
We had hoped that we would be able to leave this evening but her temperature was back up at the last check (after being normal all day). Now we really, really hope to be able to leave tomorrow!! There is no infection -- and the ANC is on the rise. Keep your fingers crossed.
Our "silver lining" for this is that since she gets fitted for a brace tomorrow morning at 8:30am, we will avoid a rush hour commute to get back here to the appt. And we just got word they are moving us to a different room -- on the "B" side (the bathroom, more space, and a window).
Until tomorrow...
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Week 13

Sorry it's been so long since the last post. Started one over a week ago, but never got back to it. Odd how we feel we're in a never-ending process but then the time passes so quickly.
We left the hospital post-surgery on Saturday, the 30th. Just in time for Halloween. Then it was back in on Monday for our last "scheduled" hospital stay. Definitely a milestone! Olivia got the last dose of one of the chemo medicines, which was the one that required an overnight stay. From now on, she will get all her treatments outpatient! Yea!
Olivia is now taking some pretty strong antibiotics -- IV for 4 weeks 3x per day (my honorary nursing degree is in the mail), then by mouth for about a year. The culture taken from the surgery showed some bacteria but nothing grew out of it. They treat it as infection because of the allograft. The bacteria can attach to it and infection could potentially grow much later. Makes you wonder what other little surprises could be in store.
We are home now on the two-week break, hopefully back to an uneventful routine.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Surgery #2
Monday, October 25, 2010
Moving Forward
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Back to Chemo
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Love you guys<3
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Hospital Stay

Friday, September 10, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Goodbye Summer

It's been a busy week. Spent a beautiful Sunday in NH with the Burkes before Olivia's chemo treatment last week. Best way to keep her mind off chemo? Tubing! Chris is a little sore from the face-plant he did early in the day. Wish I had that on video.
Olivia was barely done with chemo when she had braces removed, then scans and tests in preparation for surgery.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
From Morgan
It's me. Sorry I have not posted in a long time. I have been busy. Well right now I'm very bored just sitting in the waiting room waiting for my blood results to come back. We are all hoping I clear the medicine so I can get off of this bag of fluids I have to have. I was so close yesterday. I was like 1/100th off of where I have to be (which is very close). Yeah I was disappointed that I did not clear yesterday but I guess that's what today is for right! I have been feeling great and I really LOVE all the support that you guys have given me.
Lots if love,
Monday, August 23, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Hotel California
Original post from Wednesday, August 18th:
Am writing from the hospital today. An unexpected visit on Monday afternoon and we are still here. We were on the second week of the break when Olivia spiked a fever. This is not uncommon since the whole purpose of the break is to allow time for her blood counts to go down and come back up again. Problem is they go so low that she is at high risk of infection. Wish I had known in advance that when there is a fever, you have to go to the hospital and stay until 1. blood counts rise; 2. no fever for 24 hours; and 3. blood culture has 48 hours to show infection! We could get out this afternoon, but it's going to be a bit of a negotiation. Olivia has a few mouth sores and she's gotten a little sick from the pain meds. So now they also want her to go to oral meds. and be able to eat before we leave. "You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave..."
On a brighter note, lots of nice people on the floor. We've met some great families (mostly dealing with leukemia) and look for them when we come. We are always hoping that they've been able to go home, but also feel a little sad if we missed seeing them. Everyone we know is doing well so that is something to be grateful for!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Pan Mass -- Part 2
We'll try to get more frequent about these posts. Our schedule is so unpredictable that a week flies by before we know it. We spent the weekend at the Cape. Again, we are so lucky to have such generous friends, the Shays. Enjoyed the beach and the boat. I don't think they realize how much it means to us to have the opportunity to get Olivia out doing normal summer activities.
The Pan Mass Challenge also took place this past weekend. Jack made it to the finish!!! We never doubted him for a minute of course. Amazingly one of Olivia's doctors at Dana Farber spotted him on his bike and rode up to him to tell him who he was and to wish Olivia well. The doctor was on the team who initially reviewed her case, but was about to go off on another assignment. We clearly remember him because he did such a good job of dispelling the myths that Olivia had about cancer. Here are pictures of Jack, Day 2 (sign made by Zoe, 9 yrs.) and the Finish. Thanks Jack, Pat, and Zoe for all the support!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Pan Mass Challenge
Sorry, it's me again. Olivia will be writing again soon, but she has been feeling a bit nauseous that last two days. She finished getting the first chemo of the 2nd cycle, and they say this drug is highest on the scale of causing nausea. So overall, she's doing quite well. We will be going home later this afternoon to start the two-week break.
In the meantime, I wanted to tell you about our friend Jack Murphy, who is riding in the Pan Mass Challenge. The PMC is a 190+ mile bike ride from Sturbridge to Provincetown to raise money for cancer research. Jack has ridden in this 5 times and was thinking of taking a break from it this year. When he heard about Olivia's diagnosis in June, he decided to go ahead with it. Since then he's been training in over 100 degree heat, thunderstorms, and has even gotten lost!
The PMC is this weekend and we will be cheering Jack on. If you see someone riding with "Olivia" on the back of his shirt, it's Jack!
Also if you are interested in helping him reach his fundraising goal, go to this link:
Thanks and enjoy the rest of the week!
Post note: Just as I was about to press "publish," there was a knock on our door. Wally the Red Sox mascot came to visit, along with a few MLB umpires. Will post a picture when we get one!
Friday, July 30, 2010
We were at the clinic until 6:00pm last night but there was still too much medicine in her blood to stop hydration. So home we went with the backpack filled with fresh fluids. Returned again today and thankfully the level was low enough to stop. This is the official end to the first cycle. Just in time for the weekend! Chris and the girls are planning to go to the Cape, while I go to VT to join my HS buds for a collective birthday celebration...
Enjoy the weekend!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
We did not, as we had hoped (and begged!) to do this week's chemo at home. We compromised with 2 nights in the hospital and the rest at home. The Dr. convinced me when he said if it didn't go well at home, we wouldn't be able to do it for awhile (or again!). I didn't really believe him but thought it best since Olivia did get sick last time, to at least start out in the hospital. (She did not get sick from the chemo but was so anxious about it beforehand that she got sick while waiting to get started.)
She did great in the hospital. We went home yesterday afternoon with the portable pump and fluids and all went well last night. We are now in the clinic waiting for results. If she has cleared the chemo, we go home without the pump until Monday. If not, we go home with it and come back tomorrow to check it again. Beats staying in the hospital.
Just to clarify this protocol. One chemo cycle for this is five weeks long. She does two drugs the first week, gets a two-week break, and then a third drug the last two weeks. So the break is in the middle of a cycle, and we are just finishing up the last week of her first cycle. Monday we start the second five-week cycle, and then she has surgery. The extent of that will depend on how well she responds to the chemo. Then she starts right back in with more chemo.
I'll finish this later... writing from the clinic and we are getting called.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Hospital Update
Other good news is now that they know how her body handles this particular drug, we should be able to do future rounds as outpatient. It means we'd still be going into the Jimmy Fund Clinic every day, but that is a small price to pay to be able to sleep at home each night.
As always, visitors help immensely at keeping her spirits up. So thanks Diane, Cami, and Amanda, and of course Morgan, Peter, MIchelle, and Cheryl for coming to see us! Also thanks for all the well wishes and comments. It really makes a difference!
Sunday, July 18, 2010

Monday, July 12, 2010
In the meantime we are taking advantage of the rest of our time by visiting the Kasparyans in Maine for a couple of days. I will work and the girls will enjoy the beach and boating with the kids.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
XOXO <3 Olivia
Monday, July 5, 2010
Olivia did incredibly well with the first part of the treatment. She tires easily, but has had almost no nausea. There are multiple meds to keep ahead of that, and I now feel like a walking pharmacy with all the meds we came home with. Quite an adjustment for someone who would barely even give the girls Tylenol or Motrin.
We will spend today relaxing and going to the beach before heading back home. We have a couple of weeks to rest before we start the next part of the cycle.
Happy 4th!

Thursday, July 1, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
June 16, 2010
We called this Silver Linings because Olivia has so far found something positive in this experience every step of the way. We are determined to continue to do that. As most of you know, Olivia is bright, confident, and driven – and is not above using this situation to get what she wants. This first became apparent during the drive to Children’s Hospital for a bone biopsy.
Mom: “You mean the Make-a-Wish Foundation?”
June 21, 2010
The day of the biopsy was hopeful for Olivia. She thought she would fool everyone and that the doctors would find something totally different than expected. I hoped so too. We left the hospital with high spirits, met a group of NE Revolution players in the lobby and Olivia even got her picture taken with them!

I just want to publicly thank our close friends, George and Elizabeth, who, despite supporting their own family in health struggles and being parents of four young children, have given us their full time and attention throughout this process. They have helped us navigate the system, given us access to the best medical advice (which includes their own), and been available to us 24/7. Guys, we are forever indebted to you. I hope you know how much we appreciate you and everything you do.
June 24, 2010
Hair loss continues to be Olivia’s biggest cause for upset. We continue to support her in her feelings but focus on the fact that it is temporary. She already has the support of others who have gone through a similar process (thanks to cousins Nicolas and Ann in France for making those connections!) and is getting tremendous support from her friends. (Who would have thought I would finally see some value in texting?!)
After a day of swimming and hanging out with Catherine and Peter, she came to me with tears streaming down her face.
June 25, 2010
Been creating and updating this blog while waiting at Children's Hospital for Olivia to have the "port cath" put into her chest, as well as having a biopsy of a spot they had found on her lung. The spot on the lung was tiny and so we wanted to wait for results before talking much about it. The surgeon just left and 1.) is confident that he got it all out, and 2) that it is benign. He also mentioned that pathology took an hour with it before he closed and is still not sure they can even find it. What they do have appears to be totally normal. Thank you Dr. Weldon. First good news we've had in weeks!!!!