
Silver Lining: noun. A hopeful or comforting prospect in the midst of difficulty.

Friday, December 10, 2010


Music to our ears.

After a very long, delayed "clearing" last week of one of the chemo meds, we were hoping that we'd get back on track in this week's repeat round. (Olivia comes home attached to 24 hour fluids until the medicine is cleared out of her system. Last week it took 7 days due to the IV antibiotic, rash, etc. When you don't clear to a certain level within 72 hours, you have to get to a lower level the following day, and so on, until finally it needs to be completely undetectable.)

72 hours was yesterday. She did not quite make it. We were somewhat doubtful that today she would clear, even though she was within tenths of the goal. Once it gets down to the low levels, it tends to linger.

But she made it! A full night's sleep ahead and a weekend of rest. Next week she starts another cycle followed by a two-week break. Have to be extra careful about fevers (which buys you an automatic admittance to the hospital) but we are looking forward to being home for the holiday.



  1. Its great to hear that the meds have cleared! Its also wonderful that you are going to be home for the holidays!

    Til another post,
    morgan :)

  2. Good Job Olivia. Rest up for the Holidays!

  3. Sweetheart, we are so happy you are off the bumpy road,enjoy!!See you soon.
    Gram & papa
